Thursday, January 28, 2010

I am a procrastinator of the worst kind. I unfortunately put many things off until I absolutely have to worry about them, bills, school work, laundry but it's just stressful when all these things fall at the same day. This is a small extract of a week I had a while ago. I needed to rent a movie for a new class I had just started and watch it by Thursday along with answering a questionnaire.
The weekend before this questionnaire was due I had gone to the video store to rent it, of course it wasn't in. The clerk immediately asked "Is this for a class?" It was obvious then that I had little hope of finding this movie anywhere. You see, I work full time and have night classes three nights a week along with an online class I full heartily regret taking. Finding time to go to the video store, let alone watch any of this movie, was going to be difficult. Tuesday came along and I had yet to find the movie I had to get it by the following day or I was in trouble. I had learned that my other alternative movie stores had closed all around my house so I called that night to one that was open and asked if they had this movie. They didn't but it showed that the Roy store did, with my luck as usual the Roy store was already closed. I called Roy first thing and they didn't have it and I was once again asked "Is this for a class?" Ugh, trouble. A friend of infinite wisdom suggested the library. I almost laughed out loud! never had I heard of renting movies from the library. I'm not sure why not when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. I called my local library immediately and sure enough they put the movie aside for me.
When I got off work that day I had to run straight to the library and I couldn't just pick it up, I had to renew my library card since it had been around ten years since I've been there. I filled out the papers as quickly as I could, took the movie and darted to my other night class. After surviving a painful two hours of things over my head I made it to my boyfriends house, threw in some laundry, started cooking something for dinner and wondered how I was going to stay awake to do this and have another full day tomorrow.
I must once again point out something, I HATE mornings, hate them, I've spent most of my life sleeping in until noon. I love staying up late doing nothing, it makes my days feel longer and it's also when I get my second wind. I currently have to be at work at 7:30 am, something no one would have EVER imagined I would do. So given the fact I get up early and I do not do well off of less than 8 hours of sleep you can realize I was completely over this day already. I get up around 6 am and most nights don't get home until around 7:30-8:30 and bedtime is 9:30.
So I put the movie in around 9:30 and start to settle down after switching some laundry around and what happens? That's right, the volume doesn't work, everything I tried did nothing. I had to wake up my boyfriend, not fun since he works earlier than I do, to fix it. It even took him a while to figure out what was going on. Finally a little after 10 pm everything was fixed and ready to go. I started watching and filling out my paper in the dark. I was up until around 12:30 am with another full day just a few short hours away, actually fell asleep during the last part of the movie but I survived! I woke up the next morning tired as can be but made it threw my day and the sense of relief I felt leaving class that night was overwhelming. The weekend was coming and not only had I managed to get my homework done on time, I was able to fulfill my work obligations and get some much needed laundry done. What's more is that the next day was Friday, always a bonus.
The point in this excruciatingly long story is one, when in doubt ask around, I started asking people's advice of where to get this movie or if they had it by chance. If I had not just simply asked I would never had known to go to the library and then who knows what would have happened. Second, even when you're on a schedule that seems impossible for you personally, I know others have it MUCH worse than I, think of things you CAN do to multitask. Manage your time as best you can, throw that laundry in while you're watching that movie. In the end you'll feel a lot more at ease for having it all done, not to mention you'll smell better with clean clothes!

1 comment:

  1. I see myself in you when you describe yourself as a procrastinator. You can say that at times, I am lazy. For some reason, I like waiting until the last minute to do things, especially homework. But lately, I've been trying to change that. That is why I now use a calendar, where I can write down dates and deadlines. I have also started using my phone as an alarm/calendar, and it is easier for me to check out the things I have to do in a certain day.
