Friday, March 5, 2010


As you know by now I am trying to multitask all that I can. I've been trying to balance my work and school and also find time to do the menial stuff in life. Well I'm not quite satisfied with working and going to school all week and then do nothing in my free time. Given I shouldn't have free time but if I'm going to put of studying I'm going to do something productive and fun. I've decided to get a life and for the first time ever I have found a hobby!!!
Snowboarding is one of the funnest things I've ever done in my life. My boyfriend has helped equip me with all the gear and this year we starting learning. I've gone snowboarding almost every weekend for a little over a month now. Not only is it really fun and gives me something to look forward to on the weekends but it takes a ton of muscle. I've never been so sore in my life from anything as I have from snowboarding. This makes me feel good because I haven't found much time in the week lately to properly work out. I was looking into it and found on that it has tons of health benefits and is a HUGE lower body, core workout.
It's all about multitasking for me. I have found something I really enjoy and look forward to constantly that builds muscle! On top of that the next three days after going I'm so sore that I have nothing but time to do studying and homework. That's what I call a win, win. Going to go tomorrow and am looking forward to it!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hello again,
So I caught that nasty cold that's been going around lately. Wouldn't you know it, it was a week that I had two tests to take and a news article due. I was dosing up on the Dayquil and Nyquil but that did little to stop my symptoms, I did sleep awesome though. I recently had to go home early from work and thus felt as though it would look badly for me to call in or leave early again with this cold. I don't feel I have a lot of job security.
Monday comes along and I realize that I have to take a test for my history class that night, I had received the book in the mail the Thursday before. We only have two tests in this class and no homework. Basically, I had to do awesome or I was in big trouble. We were on chapter 22 and I hadn't read a page. I did however have about 35 pages of notes to study from.
My other test had to be taken before class on Wednesday. This is for my Comparative Politics class and I must say I haven't gotten a ton out of it thus far and had NO idea what to expect as far as what would be tested.
Figures a nasty cold would pop up on this very week. I was tired, stuffy, hurting, and sore and now to cram for two test that I wasn't prepared for. I managed to suck it up and ask my boss to go home a couple hours early one of those days and just slept before taking the plunge to my academic death. I'm using this story as a what NOT to do in education. I told you I'm a procrastinator. Although procrastination is never the way sometimes we have to cram, here is a site I found that has a good form of cramming, it's at tips. It's an article called Cramming by Grace Flemming. She talks about chunking information that we have to study into larger, similar groups. This way you can recall more things. Such as in my history class it is difficult to remember each and every individual event that helped shape this country but by memorizing the presidents and going by presidencies it is much easier to recall things and keep them in order.
Luckily the notes I had were enough for my History class, I currently have an A and for my politics class I gladly accept the B on the strangest test I've ever taken! I count myself lucky, there's no way luck was not a factor. I accept it graciously seeing as though for the most part I have the worst luck in the world.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Smart & Fit

So for the last couple months I have decided to start working out. I wanted to be healthier, have muscle, and start habits to continue in my life. This year already has been a very productive one, filled with all kinds of new things.
I am lucky enough to work at a place that has a gym on the second level, if this were not the case it would be much more difficult for me to ever get to a gym let alone pay for one. I've officially learned a new trick! I had a quiz coming up and had not read the upcoming chapter. If I work out on a day that I have class I usually only get about half an hour in before I have to leave. I got done with work needing to read this chapter before class that night but not wanting to skip working out since I had not been able to the previous days. Then it came to me, I've seen plenty of people at the gym reading books while on elliptical, I could do it too! I quickly changed and headed upstairs with my reading materials in hand. Got in a hard workout and actually retained much of what I read (not to mention it took my mind off the time and pain of my workout.) I did well on my quiz and slept wonderfully that night.
Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time during the week and despite my wanting to get a full night sleep every night it seems almost impossible. I came across an idea online that I liked and am going to start trying. When possible I've tried to make a big dinner on the weekends so I can have leftover for the week to save time and money. Here's an idea from eHow website, it's posted by member iriesister and called How to Study While Working Full Time. "Prepare for the week from the weekend - plan your meals and lay out your clothes. This will save you lots of time."
I'll have to work on getting more organized, something I'm not great at, and let you know how things go.