Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Smart & Fit

So for the last couple months I have decided to start working out. I wanted to be healthier, have muscle, and start habits to continue in my life. This year already has been a very productive one, filled with all kinds of new things.
I am lucky enough to work at a place that has a gym on the second level, if this were not the case it would be much more difficult for me to ever get to a gym let alone pay for one. I've officially learned a new trick! I had a quiz coming up and had not read the upcoming chapter. If I work out on a day that I have class I usually only get about half an hour in before I have to leave. I got done with work needing to read this chapter before class that night but not wanting to skip working out since I had not been able to the previous days. Then it came to me, I've seen plenty of people at the gym reading books while on elliptical, I could do it too! I quickly changed and headed upstairs with my reading materials in hand. Got in a hard workout and actually retained much of what I read (not to mention it took my mind off the time and pain of my workout.) I did well on my quiz and slept wonderfully that night.
Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time during the week and despite my wanting to get a full night sleep every night it seems almost impossible. I came across an idea online that I liked and am going to start trying. When possible I've tried to make a big dinner on the weekends so I can have leftover for the week to save time and money. Here's an idea from eHow website, it's posted by member iriesister and called How to Study While Working Full Time. "Prepare for the week from the weekend - plan your meals and lay out your clothes. This will save you lots of time."
I'll have to work on getting more organized, something I'm not great at, and let you know how things go.

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