Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hello again,
So I caught that nasty cold that's been going around lately. Wouldn't you know it, it was a week that I had two tests to take and a news article due. I was dosing up on the Dayquil and Nyquil but that did little to stop my symptoms, I did sleep awesome though. I recently had to go home early from work and thus felt as though it would look badly for me to call in or leave early again with this cold. I don't feel I have a lot of job security.
Monday comes along and I realize that I have to take a test for my history class that night, I had received the book in the mail the Thursday before. We only have two tests in this class and no homework. Basically, I had to do awesome or I was in big trouble. We were on chapter 22 and I hadn't read a page. I did however have about 35 pages of notes to study from.
My other test had to be taken before class on Wednesday. This is for my Comparative Politics class and I must say I haven't gotten a ton out of it thus far and had NO idea what to expect as far as what would be tested.
Figures a nasty cold would pop up on this very week. I was tired, stuffy, hurting, and sore and now to cram for two test that I wasn't prepared for. I managed to suck it up and ask my boss to go home a couple hours early one of those days and just slept before taking the plunge to my academic death. I'm using this story as a what NOT to do in education. I told you I'm a procrastinator. Although procrastination is never the way sometimes we have to cram, here is a site I found that has a good form of cramming, it's at tips. It's an article called Cramming by Grace Flemming. She talks about chunking information that we have to study into larger, similar groups. This way you can recall more things. Such as in my history class it is difficult to remember each and every individual event that helped shape this country but by memorizing the presidents and going by presidencies it is much easier to recall things and keep them in order.
Luckily the notes I had were enough for my History class, I currently have an A and for my politics class I gladly accept the B on the strangest test I've ever taken! I count myself lucky, there's no way luck was not a factor. I accept it graciously seeing as though for the most part I have the worst luck in the world.

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